Thursday, 10 January 2013

Fake "Facebook Security Team" account asks for your credentials

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An account posing as that of the Facebook Security Team has been spotted sending warnings to page administrators, trying to fool them into believing that their Facebook account will be suspended due to a violation of the social network's Terms of Service:

The message offers a link for verifying the account, and it takes users to a third party Facebook application that requests them to enter their Facebook page name, email or phone and password.

If entered and submitted, that information is automatically sent to the scammers behind this phishing scheme and used to hijack the account.

If you have fallen for the trick, try to access your account. If you are able to do so, change your password immediately. If you have already been locked out, report the compromise and Facebook will help you regain control of the account.

"Anytime you see a Facebook page in the following, you should know that you are NOT dealing with an application created by Facebook," Facecrooksadvises. "Scammers use official sounding page names, applications and links to make their schemes appear legitimate to unsuspecting and ill-informed users."

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